Do you own a property in Charleston City, South Carolina? Whether it’s for a residential or rental and your house needs repair but you’re out of funds, this episode is for you! As we all know home repairs can be cost-burden. Getting stuck with a costly home repair can be stressful and overwhelming, but with these programs offered, you might resist the urge to whip out a credit card and call it a day.
Today’s podcast consists of two parts episode about money, rental, general financing, home repairs and budgeting, plus a tremendous opportunity for you to assist you with your current homeownership or help you become a homeowner within the city of Charleston and its boundaries. Meet Latoya Bates, and Florence Peters as they talked about the programs that exist to help the community, especially the older population. Listen and learn how these programs are very beneficial to you.
LATOYA BATES, an Outreach and Finance Coordinator from the City of Charleston Housing and Community Development. She does the rehabilitation of homes that are owned by people that need repairs.
FLORENCE PETERS, 15 years as Housing Development Officer for the City of Charleston, managed the City’s first time homebuyer program, and provided the house turnkey solution.
Her main goal is to make sure that once your application comes in, at the end of this journey, you are already a homeowner.
Let’s dive in!
What You’ll Learn From This Episode:
- Discover the three rehabilitation programs offered and how it works
- Difference between Substantial Rehabilitation Program, Roof Replacement Program, Rental Rehabilitation Program
- Know the application process and the payment terms of the program and how it can benefit you
- Know the income guidelines for you to avail the program
- How much is the interest rate and monthly payment if you avail of these programs?
- If you are over 60 years old, do you still qualify to avail the programs?
- Why is this called a forgivable program
Connect with Latoya:
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- Contant Number 843-724-7348
- Email Ad: bates
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- Contact Number: 8437247353
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